Intelligence Scoops from India

Upper caste Hindus : Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas — constitute less than 20 per cent of the Indian population but controles the civil service and the economy of the country. The landless, poor Dalit farmers who often resist this socio economic structure are killed either by the feudal lords or get killed in artificial encounters by regional police-the legalized murderers who are the mere puppets of ‘Three Ms’ means – Money, Mafia, and Monarchs.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Barbaric act and Damage by Police in Ullal

S.O. News service, Mangalore, 12 Oct

The onset of non-violence on Thursday morning in Mangalore and across created a big uproar. Many shops and houses destroyed, robbery in Muslim houses in full swing. Muslims were attacked brutally. Unfortunately the lawmakers seemed to take pleasure in supporting these anti social elements.

The Kannada daily news paper Vartha Bharti which is published from Mangalore illustrated in the front page as to how the police of Ullal disturbed the Muslim women and children and the robbery is taking place. On the print edition of 9th October Mokachari area under the Ullal police station on Friday and Chipla area under Konaji police station on Sunday showed how the police treated the peoples of the native place. According to the news paper in Mokachari area the police forcefully entered 6-7 houses and destroyed everything from door to TV, chairs, cupboards, etc,. People suffered great loss there. The local people told that the police treated them like Bajrang Dal people and forcefully gained entry into their houses and beat the sleeping youths and later took them to jails. They also punished the small children to instill fear in them

There was a report in the newspaper of a Muslim named Mohiddin Abba from Mokachari area, he told reporters that on Friday evening at 6.25pm, “he was sitting in his house the door was closed. 15 policemen entered his house and started kicking the door thereby breaking it. They started to destroy all the things like cupboard, showcase, TV and all other furniture. The reporter saw that the TV and show case was totally broken, door and window glasses were also broken in the house. He added that the police asked where the youths are. When they didn’t find anyone in the house they left. While going outside a rickshaw was standing outside the policemen even destroyed the rickshaw fully. The members of the house told that the destroyed things are still there in the house anybody can come and see it.

The same treatment was also done to Abdur Razzaq’s house, neighbor of Mohiddin Abba. The wife of Abdul Razzaq, patient, told the newspapers that how the police entered the house and started destroying whatever they could lay their hands on and then took her sons Mustafa and Shamshuddin to the Jail. The women told that now there is no one in his family to go to court and obtain bail for them.

The owner of the house Baitul Aziz which is near to the Abdul Razzaq’s house told that the police threw stones on his window and kicked the gates but they were unsuccessful to enter the house, Reporters saw that the window was totally damaged and the gate too. Baptist D’souza who leaves in this told that after seeing the police he closed the door of the house but the police entered in his house and broke the windows, here too the window pain is totally damaged.

Nearly 20 policemen entered in the house of U T Basheer and destroyed the TV set and the furniture. They jailed two boys who were sleeping and punished rest of the children present at home. Entry was gained forcefully by breaking the door.

Khadija Amma of Fattu Bhau cottage, her house also police entered in the compound and broke the glasses of two cars which were parked in the compound with their stick and then entered the house and broke the TV and the radio.

Taheera Ismail, neighbor of Khadija Amma, her house was also targeted by the police and then police has arrested his son Muhammed Ashfaque at mid night who is the student of Computer Science.

The people of Mokkacheri are under threat and full of fear. Police have instilled fear which can be read in the public’s face. Local people said that nothing would have happened in these areas if not for the polices’ barbaric act. Some persons told that all these activities were done by Ullal Police especially by police inspector Jagga (Jagdish) and his members.


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